Durham Cathedral
Monday 3 to Sunday 9 August 2026
Winchester Cathedral
Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 December 2025
St Albans Abbey
Saturday 31 May & Sunday 1 June 2025
Liverpool Cathedral
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 February 2025
15.00 Evensong in the Lady Chapel
Introit: A Prayer of King Henry VI (Henry Ley)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 46 Chants by ???:
Canticles: Service in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Like as the hart - Herbert Howells
Organist: Darren Williams
Sunday 16 February
10.30 Eucharist in the Quire
Setting: Missa Simplicitate (G, S, no B, AgD)- Jean Langlais
Psalm 1
Communion anthem: Let all mortal flesh - Edward Bairstow
Hymns: order of service
15.00 Evensong in the Quire
Introit: A Prayer of King Henry VI (Henry Ley)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 6 Chants by ???
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: O thou the central orb - Charles Wood
Organist: from Liverpool Cathedral
Doncaster Minster
Saturday 5 October 2024
16.30 Evensong - Alleyn Singers
Introit: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm: 104 vv 24-35 Chant by William Longhurst
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: O Lorde, the maker of al thing - John Joubert
Organist: Darren Williams
Sunday 6 October 2024
11.00 Eucharist
Minster Choir & Alleyn Singers
Settings in C & F -Charles Stanford
Responsorial Psalm
Motet: Justorum animae - Charles Stanford
Director: Darren Williams
16.30 Evensong
Minster Choir & Alleyn Singers
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms: 125 & 126 Chants by John Pratt & John Goss
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: For lo, I raise up - Charles Stanford
Organist: Darren Williams
Exeter Cathedral 29 July to 4 August 2024
Monday 29 July 2024
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 142 & 143 Chants Matthew Camidge & Kellow John Pye
Canticles: Short Service - Orlando Gibbons
Anthem: Beatus et sanctus - William Mundy
Tuesday 30 July 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 147 & 148 Chants by W. Marsh & C Stanford
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Wednesday 31 July 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 149 & 150 Chants by Percy Whitlock & Charles Stanford
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Pray that Jerusalem - Charles Stanford
Thursday 1 August 2024
No Evensong
Friday 2 August 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 12, 13, 14 Chants by H. Stonex, H. Smart, J. Turle
Canticles: Magnificat Tone VIII- Plainsong
Nunc dimittis tertii toni - Tomás Luis de Victoria
Anthem: Os justi meditabitur sapientiam - Anton Bruckner
Saturday 3 August 2024
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 18 Chants by Goss, Talbot, Pie, Stainer
Canticles: New College Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O Lorde, the maker of al thing - John Joubert
Sunday 4 August 2024
Eucharist 10.00
Introit: Beatus et sanctus - William Mundy
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) & St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (S, B, AD)
Motet: Sicut cervus – Giovanni Palestrina
Evensong 16.00
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 88 Chant by Luke Flintoff
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: Paean - Philip Moore
Organists: Laurence Caldecote & Sean Montgomery
St Gabriel's 14 July 2024
Monday 29 July 2024
Evensong 18.00
Introit: Pray that Jerusalem - Charles Stanford
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm: Chants TBC
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Organist: David King
Southwark Cathedrals Weekend 6 & 7 April 2024
Saturday 6 April 2024
Anglican Evensong 16.00
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 145 Chant by Stanford
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht BWV 118 - J S Bach
Organist: Norman Harper
Sunday 7 April 2024
Catholic Mass 12 noon
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) &
St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei)
Communion: O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht BWV 118 - J S Bach
Organist: Norman Harper
Bristol Cathedral (10 & 11 February)
Saturday 10 February 2024
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm: Chant by
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Evening Hymn - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Sunday 11 February 2024
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) & St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (S, B, AD)
Motet: Sicut cervus – Giovanni Palestrina
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalms: Chant by
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord - Edward Elgar
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Salisbury Cathedral (14 & 15 October)
Saturday 14 October 2023
Evensong 17.30
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm 23 Chant by Henry Walford Davies
Canticles: Setting in F - George Dyson
Anthem: Jubilate - Christopher Dearnley
Sunday 15 October 2023
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa Collegium Regale - Harold Darke
Anthem: Let thy hand be strengthened - Christopher Dearnley
Evensong 16.30
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm 139vv1-11 Chant by John Goss
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Hear my words, ye people - Hubert Parry
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Ely Cathedral (29 & 30 July)
Saturday 29 July 2023
Evensong 17.30
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalms: 42 Chant by Matthew Camidge & 143 Chant by Kellow John Pye
Office Hymn: NEH 310
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: Tota pulchra es - Anton Bruckner
Sunday 30 July 2023
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa de Angelis plainsong (Gloria)
Mass for five voices (Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei- Byrd
Psalm: tbc
Motet: Sacerdotes Domine - Byrd
Evensong 16.00
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 75 Chant by William Havergal
Office Hymn: NEH 202
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith - Ernest Bullock
Organist: Sean Montgomery
Lincoln Cathedral (27 & 28 May)
Saturday 27 May 2023
First Evensong of Pentecost
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalm: 48 Chant by S. Matthews
Canticles: Short service - William Byrd
Anthem: O Lord, make thy servant Charles our King - William Byrd
Sunday 28 May 2023
Festal Eucharist for Pentecost
Setting: Missa de Angelis G
Mass for five voices S, B, A - William Byrd
Psalm: 104.24-end
Motet: Non vos relinquam – William Byrd
Veni creator spiritus variations - Laurence Caldecote
Festal Evensong for Pentecost
Introit: O Lord give thy Holy Spirit - Thomas Tallis
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalms: 67 Chant by Cambridge & 133 Chant by John Goss
Magnificat antiphon
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Holy Spirit ever dwelling - Howells arr. Malcolm Archer
Organist: Laurence Caldecote (All Saints' Northampton)
Bath Abbey (11 & 12 February)
Saturday 11 February
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 46 Chant by Luther
Canticles: George Dyson in F
Anthem: God so loved the world - John Stainer
Sunday 12 February
Eucharist 11.30
Setting: Missa Collegium Regale - Harold Darke
Psalm: 136 vv1-9, 23-26
Anthem: The Holy Eucharist - William Harris
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 148 Chant byStanford
Canticles: Thomas Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Hymn for St Cecilia - Herbert Howells
Organist: Laurence Caldecote (All Saints' Northampton)
St Edmundsbury Cathedral (22 & 23 October)
Saturday 22 October
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Kenneth Leighton
Psalm: 104 vv1-25
Canticles: Charles Stanford in C
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Johannes Brahms
Sunday 23 October
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa brevis - Giovanni Palestrina
Motet: Sicut cervus - Palestrina
Evensong 15.30
Introit: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Responses: Kenneth Leighton
Psalm: 119 vv 1-16
Canticles: Herbert Murrill in E
Anthem: Behold the tabernacle of God - William Harris
Organist: Darren Williams (Doncaster Minster)
Christ Church Oxford (8 to 14 August)
Tuesday 9 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalms: 47 & 48
Canticles: Short Service - Orlando Gibbons
Anthem: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Wednesday 10 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalms: 53 & 54
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Herbert Howells
Thursday 11 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 59
Canticles: Setting in E - Sydney Watson
Anthem: Creator Spirit - Thomas Armstrong
Friday 12 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 65
Canticles: Setting in G minor - Richard Farrant
Anthem: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth our Queen - William Byrd
Saturday 13 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 70
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: Paean - Philip Moore (first performance)
Commission to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Alleyn Singers
Sunday 14 August
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Psalm: 82
Motet: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Psalm: 73 (1-19)
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven - Edgar Bainton
Organists: Norman and Marilyn Harper & Sean Montgomery
Rochester Cathedral (28 & 29 May)
Saturday 28 May
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm 85 Chant by Charles Lloyd
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: It is a thing most wonderful - Philip Moore
Sunday 29 May
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Motet: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm 68 1-13, 18-19 Chant by Alwyn Surplice
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven - Edgar Bainton
Organist: Laurence Caldecote
Chelmsford Cathedral (19 & 20 February)
Saturday 19 February
Evensong 17.15
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 92 Chant by Ivor Atkins
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Herbert Howells
Hymn: NEH 178 (Text: tis good lord to be here; Tune: CARLISLE)
Final responses – Edward Naylor (ferial)
Sunday 20 February
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Responsorial Psalm 65
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Giovanni Croce
Opening: NEH 237 (Morning has broken; BUNESSAN)
Offertory: Tune NEH 311, text NEH 400 (Light of the minds that know him; MERIONYDD)
Dismissal: NEH 466 (Thou whose almighty word; MOSCOW)
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 98 to 101. Chants by Thomas Atwood, William Morley, Sydney Nicholson
Canticles: Setting in E - Sydney Watson
Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd - John Rutter (oboe & organ)
Opening: NEH 245 (God that madest earth and heaven; AR HYD NOS)
End: NEH 265 (Lord of beauty thine the splendour; REGENT SQUARE
Organist: Laurence Caldecote
St Gabriel's Church Pimlico (Sunday 6 February)
Evensong & Benediction 18.00 - Accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Introit: Behold, O God our defender - Herbert Howells (sung at The Queen's Coronation)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd - John Rutter (oboe & organ)
Organist: David King
Sherborne Abbey (23 & 24 October)
Saturday 23 October Evensong 17.00
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm 23 – Chant in E by Walford Davies
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Abendlied - Josef Rheinberger
Hymns: All for Jesus (All for Jesus); The race that long in darkness pined (Dundee)
Sunday 24 October Eucharist 09.30
Setting: Mass for five voices - William Byrd
Motet: O salutaris hostia - Herbert Howells
Hymns: Praise to God whose word was spoken (St Helen); Breathe on me, breath of God (Dominica); Just as I am, without one plea (Saffron Walden); Thou whose almighty word (Moscow)
Evensong 18.00
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm 34: 1-8, 19-22 – Chant in D by Howells
Canticles: Setting in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen - Johannes Brahms
Hymns: We plough the fields, and scatter (Wir Pflügen); All creatures of our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen) Arr. Malcolm Archer
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Chichester Cathedral (31 July & 1 August)
Saturday 31 July
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: Charles Stanford in Bb
Anthem: Te lucis ante terminum - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Ferial final Responses in G
Sunday 1 August
Eucharist 11.00
Setting: Missa Aeterna Christi munera (G, S, B, A)- G P daPalestrina
Offertory Motet: Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes - G P da Palestrina
Hymns: Praise my soul the king of heaven (Praise my soul) & Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
Evensong 15.00
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: George Dyson in C minor (arr. SATB)
Anthem: Jubilate (Collegium Regale) - Herbert Howells
Ferial final Responses in G
Peterborough Cathedral (29 & 30 May)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Rochester (13 March)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Chelmsford Cathedral (24 & 25 October)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Tewkesbury Abbey (23 & 24 May)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Norwich Cathedral (15 & 16 February)
Saturday 15 February
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 267 (Addison’s)
The spacious firmament on high
Psalms 75: Unto thee O God do we give thanks. Chant – W. H. Havergal
76: In Judah is God known. Chant – W. Turton
77: I will cry unto God with my voice. Chant – E. J. Hopkins
Canticles: Service in C minor (transposed to D minor) – George Dyson
Anthem: Greater love hath no man – John Ireland
Sunday 16 February
Eucharist 10.30 - The Second Sunday before Lent
Procession: NEH 339 (Slane) Be thou my vision
Settings: Missa de Angelis – plainsong (Gloria)
Messe Cum Jubilo – Maurice Duruflé (Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei)
Resp. Psalm: 136: 1-9: Give thanks to the Lord for he is gracious
Gradual Hymn: NEH 464 (Celeste) How good is the God we adore
Offertory: CP 601 (Margaret) Thou didst leave thy throne
Motet: Ave Virgo sanctissima - Francisco Guerrero
Post Comm: CP 262 (How great Thou art) O Lord my God
Evensong 15.30 - Installation of Canons
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 431 (Hereford) O thou who camest from above
Psalms: 133: Behold how good and joyful. Chant – J. C. L. Parkin-Haig
148: O praise the Lord of heaven. Chant – C. V. Stanford
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord – Edward Elgar
Hymn after Sermon: CP 612 (Fulda) We have a gospel to proclaim
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Portsmouth Cathedral (26 & 27 October)
Saturday 26 October
17.00 Evensong
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 104 Praise the Lord, O my soul
Chants by Zacharia Buck, William Longhurst
Canticles: Service in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Tota pulchra es Maria - Anton Bruckner
Hymn: NEH 186
Sunday 27 October
10.30 Eucharist
Setting: Missa Simplicitate - Jean Langlais
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Giovanni Croce
Hymns: order of service
18.00 Evensong
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalms: 124, 125, 126 Chants by George Garrett,
John Pratt, John Goss
Canticles: Service in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Blessed be the god and father - S S Wesley
Hymns: NEH 404, 77, 436
Organist: Jack Spencer
Truro Cathedral (6 to 11 August)
Tuesday 6 August 17.30 Eucharist for the Transfiguration
Introit: Winchester Antiphon - William Prendergast
Settings: Gloria: Missa de Angelis accompanied plainsong
Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Motet: Quicumque Christum quaeritis - Tomás Luis de Victoria
Hymns: NEH 178 (Carlisle) ‘Tis good Lord to be here!, 373 (Coe Fen) How shall I sing,
389 (Nun danket all) Jesus, these eyes
Wednesday 7 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalms: 11 In the Lord put I my trust Chant by Stonex
12 Help me, Lord, for there is not one godly man left Chant by Smart
13 How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? Chant by Turle
Canticles: Magnificat Quarti toni - David Bevan & Nunc dimittis a Notre-Dame - Julian Parkin-Haig
Anthem: Let thy hand be strengthened -Christopher Dearnley
Hymn: NEH 461 (Cross of Jesus) There’s a wideness
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Thursday 8 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm: 18 I will love thee, O Lord, my strength Chants by Goss, Talbot, Pie, Stainer
Canticles: Setting in D -Herbert Brewer
Anthem: Quaesumus omnipotens -Christopher Tye
Hymn: NEH 424 (Cornwall) O love divine
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Friday 9 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm: 22 My God, my God, look upon Chants by Camidge
Canticles: St Paul’s Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O Lord support us - David Briggs
Hymn: (St Hugh) Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Sunday 11 August 10.00 Eucharist
Introit: Winchester Antiphon - William Prendergast
Settings: Gloria: Missa de Angelis accompanied plainsong
Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis - Palestrina
Resp Psalm 33: 13-22 Chant by Christopher Tambling
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Franscisco Guerrero
Hymns: NEH 365 (London new) God moves in a mysterious way, 295 (Picardy) Let all mortal flesh,
306 (Ach Gott und Herr) Strengthen for service
16.00 Evensong
Introit: Dominus illuminatio mea - David Hill
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm 108: O God, my heart is ready, my heart is ready Chants by Randall, Cooper
Canticles: Jesus College Cambridge Service -William Mathias
Anthem: Te Deum (Collegium Regale) - Herbert Howells
Hymns: NEH 357 (Sussex) Father, hear the prayer we offer,
468 (Marching) Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Organist: Jack Spencer
Blackburn Cathedral (25 & 26 May)
Saturday 25 May15.30 Evensong: The Venerable Bede, Monk, Scholar, Historian (735)
Introit: Winchester Antiphon for Saints: The Lord gave the word – William Prendergast
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 223 (tune 128ii Gonfalon Royal) O Jesu, saviour of mankind
Psalm 84: O how amiable are thy dwellings. Chant – Edward Bairstow
Canticles: Service in Bb – Charles Stanford
Anthem: Save us, O Lord – Edward Bairstow
Hymn after prayers: NEH 225 (tune ii San Rocco) Give me the wings of faith to rise
Sunday 26 May10.30 Eucharist The Sixth Sunday After Easter
Procession: NEH 368 (Cwm Rhondda) Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Setting: Missa in Simplicitate – Jean Langlais
Gradual: Psalm 67: God be merciful unto us, and bless us. Chant: Luard Selby
Gradual Hymn: NEH 431 (Hereford) O thou who camest from above
Offertory: NEH 439 ii (Chorus Angelorum) Praise to the holiest in the height
Motets: Sacerdotes Domini & Oculi omnium – William Byrd
Post Comm: NEH 306 (Ach Gott Und Herr) Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
16.00 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon: O praise the Lord – Alwyn Surplice
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 366 (Heathlands) God of mercy, God of grace
Psalms: 126: When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. Chant - Battishill
127: Except the Lord build the house. Chant - Battishill
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O what their joy - William Harris
Hymn after prayers: NEH 206 (Harewood) Christ is our cornerstone
Organist: Sean Montgomery
Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford (Saturday 30 March)
18.00 Evensong
Introit: In manus tuas (1st setting) - John Sheppard (Informator Choristarum 1541-2; 1544-8)
Responses: Bernard Rose (Informator Choristarum 1957-81)
Psalms 147, 148, 149, 150 - Chants by Charles Stanford and Percy Whitlock
Canticles: St Paul’s Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Hear my prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
Hymn: NEH 253 - The duteous day now closeth (Innsbruck)
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Bristol Cathedral (3 & 4 November)
Saturday 3 November 15.30 - Dignity Service: The Dignity Service is an annual event at the cathedral for families and friends to remember loved ones who have died in the previous twelve months. We are honoured to be asked to provide the music for this service.
Anthems: And I saw a New Heaven - Edgar Bainton, The Lord is my Shepherd - Howard Goodall, Gloria (1st movement) - Antonio Vivaldi
Sunday 4 November
10.00 Eucharist
Setting: Collegium Regale - Herbert Howells
Motet: O Sacrum Convivium - Thomas Tallis
15.30 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm: 145
Canticles: Wells Service - Malcolm Archer
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Johannes Brahms
Organist: Jeremy Meager
St Albans Abbey (25 & 26 August)
Saturday 25 August
16.00 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm 115 Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us.Chant by S S Wesley
Canticles: Setting in A -Charles Stanford
Anthem: Te lucis ante terminum - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Hymn 563
Sunday 26 August
11.15 Eucharist
Kyrie: Missa de Angelis plainsong
Setting: Service in F - Harold Darke
Gospel Acc: 6 - Welcome with meekness…
Gradual Psalm: 34: 15-20 The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous (BCP plainsong)
Motet: Sicut cervus - Giovanni Palestrina
Hymns 301, 311
18.30 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm 116: 1-10 I am well pleased. Chant by A Hollins
Canticles: Setting in E - Herbert Murrill
Anthem: A Hymn for St Cecilia - Herbert Howells
Hymns: 379, 368
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Southwark Cathedral (21 April)
16.00 Evensong
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm: 27 Chant by G Cooper
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: Behold, O God our defender – Herbert Howells
Hymn: All my hope on God is founded (Michael) descant by John Rutter
Organist: Marilyn Harper
Gloucester Cathedral (10 & 11 February)
Saturday 10 February
16.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon ‘O praise the Lord of heaven’ - Alwyn Surplice
Responses: John Reading
Psalm 24 - The earth is the Lord’s, and all that therein is Chant: H G Ley
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Villiers Stanford
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith - Ernest Bullock
Hymn: 520 May the grace of Christ our Saviour Waltham (Albert)
Final Festal Responses: Edward Woodall Naylor
Sunday 11 February
10.15 Eucharist
Setting: Setting in F - Herbert Sumsion
Anthem: O taste and see - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hymns: 2 Christ, whose glory fills the skies Ratisbon
248 'Tis good, Lord, to be here Carlisle
466How shall I sing that majesty Coe Fen
293(t. 322) Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest Anima Christi
627 Ye servants of God Laudate Dominum (Gauntlett)
15.00 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon ‘O praise the Lord of heaven’ - Alwyn Surplice
Responses: John Reading
Psalm99 - The Lord is king, be the people never so impatient. Chant: T A Walmisley
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Sing we merrily - Sidney Campbell
Hymn 555 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven Praise my soul
Final Festal Responses: Edward Woodall Naylor
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Julian Parkin-Haig appointed Director
Tewkesbury Abbey
8 & 9 August
Week's Residence in Worcester Cathedral
Week's Residence in St Edmundsbury Cathedral
Week's Residence in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
Reformed in 2008 as the Alleyn Singers
Final Service as Alleyn Chorale, Southwark Cathedral
Week's Residence at Salisbury Cathedral
Week's Residence in Peterborough Cathedral
Week's residence at Christchurch Cathedral
Week's Residence in Lincoln Cathedral
Week's Residence - Wells Cathedral
Week's Residence at Bristol Cathedral
Week's Residence at Exeter Cathedral
Residential Trip to Malvern as Alleyn Chorale
Residential Trip to Worcester as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Norwich as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Wells as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Salisbury as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Durham as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Lichfield as Alleyn Chorale
Residential Trip to Winchester as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Norwich as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Hereford Cathedral
Formed in 1972 as the Alleyn Chorale
Durham Cathedral
Monday 3 to Sunday 9 August 2026
Winchester Cathedral
Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 December 2025
St Albans Abbey
Saturday 31 May & Sunday 1 June 2025
Liverpool Cathedral
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 February 2025
15.00 Evensong in the Lady Chapel
Introit: A Prayer of King Henry VI (Henry Ley)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 46 Chants by ???:
Canticles: Service in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Like as the hart - Herbert Howells
Organist: Darren Williams
Sunday 16 February
10.30 Eucharist in the Quire
Setting: Missa Simplicitate (G, S, no B, AgD)- Jean Langlais
Psalm 1
Communion anthem: Let all mortal flesh - Edward Bairstow
Hymns: order of service
15.00 Evensong in the Quire
Introit: A Prayer of King Henry VI (Henry Ley)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 6 Chants by ???
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: O thou the central orb - Charles Wood
Organist: from Liverpool Cathedral
Doncaster Minster
Saturday 5 October 2024
16.30 Evensong - Alleyn Singers
Introit: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm: 104 vv 24-35 Chant by William Longhurst
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: O Lorde, the maker of al thing - John Joubert
Organist: Darren Williams
Sunday 6 October 2024
11.00 Eucharist
Minster Choir & Alleyn Singers
Settings in C & F -Charles Stanford
Responsorial Psalm
Motet: Justorum animae - Charles Stanford
Director: Darren Williams
16.30 Evensong
Minster Choir & Alleyn Singers
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms: 125 & 126 Chants by John Pratt & John Goss
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: For lo, I raise up - Charles Stanford
Organist: Darren Williams
Exeter Cathedral 29 July to 4 August 2024
Monday 29 July 2024
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 142 & 143 Chants Matthew Camidge & Kellow John Pye
Canticles: Short Service - Orlando Gibbons
Anthem: Beatus et sanctus - William Mundy
Tuesday 30 July 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 147 & 148 Chants by W. Marsh & C Stanford
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Wednesday 31 July 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 149 & 150 Chants by Percy Whitlock & Charles Stanford
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Pray that Jerusalem - Charles Stanford
Thursday 1 August 2024
No Evensong
Friday 2 August 2024
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalms 12, 13, 14 Chants by H. Stonex, H. Smart, J. Turle
Canticles: Magnificat Tone VIII- Plainsong
Nunc dimittis tertii toni - Tomás Luis de Victoria
Anthem: Os justi meditabitur sapientiam - Anton Bruckner
Saturday 3 August 2024
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 18 Chants by Goss, Talbot, Pie, Stainer
Canticles: New College Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O Lorde, the maker of al thing - John Joubert
Sunday 4 August 2024
Eucharist 10.00
Introit: Beatus et sanctus - William Mundy
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) & St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (S, B, AD)
Motet: Sicut cervus – Giovanni Palestrina
Evensong 16.00
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 88 Chant by Luke Flintoff
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: Paean - Philip Moore
Organists: Laurence Caldecote & Sean Montgomery
St Gabriel's 14 July 2024
Monday 29 July 2024
Evensong 18.00
Introit: Pray that Jerusalem - Charles Stanford
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm: Chants TBC
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Organist: David King
Southwark Cathedrals Weekend 6 & 7 April 2024
Saturday 6 April 2024
Anglican Evensong 16.00
Responses: Stanford Responses - Brian Cotterill
Psalm 145 Chant by Stanford
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht BWV 118 - J S Bach
Organist: Norman Harper
Sunday 7 April 2024
Catholic Mass 12 noon
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) &
St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei)
Communion: O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht BWV 118 - J S Bach
Organist: Norman Harper
Bristol Cathedral (10 & 11 February)
Saturday 10 February 2024
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm: Chant by
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Evening Hymn - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Sunday 11 February 2024
Settings: Missa de Angelis plainsong (G) & St Paul’s Service - Katherine Dienes-Williams (S, B, AD)
Motet: Sicut cervus – Giovanni Palestrina
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalms: Chant by
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord - Edward Elgar
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Salisbury Cathedral (14 & 15 October)
Saturday 14 October 2023
Evensong 17.30
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm 23 Chant by Henry Walford Davies
Canticles: Setting in F - George Dyson
Anthem: Jubilate - Christopher Dearnley
Sunday 15 October 2023
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa Collegium Regale - Harold Darke
Anthem: Let thy hand be strengthened - Christopher Dearnley
Evensong 16.30
Responses: William Byrd
Psalm 139vv1-11 Chant by John Goss
Canticles: Setting in Bb - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Hear my words, ye people - Hubert Parry
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Ely Cathedral (29 & 30 July)
Saturday 29 July 2023
Evensong 17.30
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalms: 42 Chant by Matthew Camidge & 143 Chant by Kellow John Pye
Office Hymn: NEH 310
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: Tota pulchra es - Anton Bruckner
Sunday 30 July 2023
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa de Angelis plainsong (Gloria)
Mass for five voices (Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei- Byrd
Psalm: tbc
Motet: Sacerdotes Domine - Byrd
Evensong 16.00
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 75 Chant by William Havergal
Office Hymn: NEH 202
Canticles: Setting in D - Charles Wood
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith - Ernest Bullock
Organist: Sean Montgomery
Lincoln Cathedral (27 & 28 May)
Saturday 27 May 2023
First Evensong of Pentecost
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalm: 48 Chant by S. Matthews
Canticles: Short service - William Byrd
Anthem: O Lord, make thy servant Charles our King - William Byrd
Sunday 28 May 2023
Festal Eucharist for Pentecost
Setting: Missa de Angelis G
Mass for five voices S, B, A - William Byrd
Psalm: 104.24-end
Motet: Non vos relinquam – William Byrd
Veni creator spiritus variations - Laurence Caldecote
Festal Evensong for Pentecost
Introit: O Lord give thy Holy Spirit - Thomas Tallis
Responses - William Byrd (400th anniversary)
Psalms: 67 Chant by Cambridge & 133 Chant by John Goss
Magnificat antiphon
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Holy Spirit ever dwelling - Howells arr. Malcolm Archer
Organist: Laurence Caldecote (All Saints' Northampton)
Bath Abbey (11 & 12 February)
Saturday 11 February
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 46 Chant by Luther
Canticles: George Dyson in F
Anthem: God so loved the world - John Stainer
Sunday 12 February
Eucharist 11.30
Setting: Missa Collegium Regale - Harold Darke
Psalm: 136 vv1-9, 23-26
Anthem: The Holy Eucharist - William Harris
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 148 Chant byStanford
Canticles: Thomas Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Hymn for St Cecilia - Herbert Howells
Organist: Laurence Caldecote (All Saints' Northampton)
St Edmundsbury Cathedral (22 & 23 October)
Saturday 22 October
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Kenneth Leighton
Psalm: 104 vv1-25
Canticles: Charles Stanford in C
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Johannes Brahms
Sunday 23 October
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa brevis - Giovanni Palestrina
Motet: Sicut cervus - Palestrina
Evensong 15.30
Introit: Locus iste - Anton Bruckner
Responses: Kenneth Leighton
Psalm: 119 vv 1-16
Canticles: Herbert Murrill in E
Anthem: Behold the tabernacle of God - William Harris
Organist: Darren Williams (Doncaster Minster)
Christ Church Oxford (8 to 14 August)
Tuesday 9 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalms: 47 & 48
Canticles: Short Service - Orlando Gibbons
Anthem: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Wednesday 10 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalms: 53 & 54
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Herbert Howells
Thursday 11 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 59
Canticles: Setting in E - Sydney Watson
Anthem: Creator Spirit - Thomas Armstrong
Friday 12 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 65
Canticles: Setting in G minor - Richard Farrant
Anthem: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth our Queen - William Byrd
Saturday 13 August
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm: 70
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: Paean - Philip Moore (first performance)
Commission to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Alleyn Singers
Sunday 14 August
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Psalm: 82
Motet: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Psalm: 73 (1-19)
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven - Edgar Bainton
Organists: Norman and Marilyn Harper & Sean Montgomery
Rochester Cathedral (28 & 29 May)
Saturday 28 May
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm 85 Chant by Charles Lloyd
Canticles: The Third Service - Philip Moore
Anthem: It is a thing most wonderful - Philip Moore
Sunday 29 May
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Motet: O Willelme pastor bone - John Taverner
Responses: Henry Purcell (arr. Harper)
Psalm 68 1-13, 18-19 Chant by Alwyn Surplice
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven - Edgar Bainton
Organist: Laurence Caldecote
Chelmsford Cathedral (19 & 20 February)
Saturday 19 February
Evensong 17.15
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 92 Chant by Ivor Atkins
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Herbert Howells
Hymn: NEH 178 (Text: tis good lord to be here; Tune: CARLISLE)
Final responses – Edward Naylor (ferial)
Sunday 20 February
Eucharist 10.30
Setting: Missa 'O quam gloriosum' - Tomas Luis de Victoria
Responsorial Psalm 65
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Giovanni Croce
Opening: NEH 237 (Morning has broken; BUNESSAN)
Offertory: Tune NEH 311, text NEH 400 (Light of the minds that know him; MERIONYDD)
Dismissal: NEH 466 (Thou whose almighty word; MOSCOW)
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm 98 to 101. Chants by Thomas Atwood, William Morley, Sydney Nicholson
Canticles: Setting in E - Sydney Watson
Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd - John Rutter (oboe & organ)
Opening: NEH 245 (God that madest earth and heaven; AR HYD NOS)
End: NEH 265 (Lord of beauty thine the splendour; REGENT SQUARE
Organist: Laurence Caldecote
St Gabriel's Church Pimlico (Sunday 6 February)
Evensong & Benediction 18.00 - Accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Introit: Behold, O God our defender - Herbert Howells (sung at The Queen's Coronation)
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: Setting in D minor - Thomas Walmisley
Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd - John Rutter (oboe & organ)
Organist: David King
Sherborne Abbey (23 & 24 October)
Saturday 23 October Evensong 17.00
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm 23 – Chant in E by Walford Davies
Canticles: Setting in A - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Abendlied - Josef Rheinberger
Hymns: All for Jesus (All for Jesus); The race that long in darkness pined (Dundee)
Sunday 24 October Eucharist 09.30
Setting: Mass for five voices - William Byrd
Motet: O salutaris hostia - Herbert Howells
Hymns: Praise to God whose word was spoken (St Helen); Breathe on me, breath of God (Dominica); Just as I am, without one plea (Saffron Walden); Thou whose almighty word (Moscow)
Evensong 18.00
Responses: Philip Radcliffe
Psalm 34: 1-8, 19-22 – Chant in D by Howells
Canticles: Setting in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen - Johannes Brahms
Hymns: We plough the fields, and scatter (Wir Pflügen); All creatures of our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen) Arr. Malcolm Archer
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Chichester Cathedral (31 July & 1 August)
Saturday 31 July
Evensong 17.30
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: Charles Stanford in Bb
Anthem: Te lucis ante terminum - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Ferial final Responses in G
Sunday 1 August
Eucharist 11.00
Setting: Missa Aeterna Christi munera (G, S, B, A)- G P daPalestrina
Offertory Motet: Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes - G P da Palestrina
Hymns: Praise my soul the king of heaven (Praise my soul) & Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
Evensong 15.00
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Canticles: George Dyson in C minor (arr. SATB)
Anthem: Jubilate (Collegium Regale) - Herbert Howells
Ferial final Responses in G
Peterborough Cathedral (29 & 30 May)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Rochester (13 March)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Chelmsford Cathedral (24 & 25 October)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Tewkesbury Abbey (23 & 24 May)
cancelled due to Corona Virus
Norwich Cathedral (15 & 16 February)
Saturday 15 February
Evensong 15.30
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 267 (Addison’s)
The spacious firmament on high
Psalms 75: Unto thee O God do we give thanks. Chant – W. H. Havergal
76: In Judah is God known. Chant – W. Turton
77: I will cry unto God with my voice. Chant – E. J. Hopkins
Canticles: Service in C minor (transposed to D minor) – George Dyson
Anthem: Greater love hath no man – John Ireland
Sunday 16 February
Eucharist 10.30 - The Second Sunday before Lent
Procession: NEH 339 (Slane) Be thou my vision
Settings: Missa de Angelis – plainsong (Gloria)
Messe Cum Jubilo – Maurice Duruflé (Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei)
Resp. Psalm: 136: 1-9: Give thanks to the Lord for he is gracious
Gradual Hymn: NEH 464 (Celeste) How good is the God we adore
Offertory: CP 601 (Margaret) Thou didst leave thy throne
Motet: Ave Virgo sanctissima - Francisco Guerrero
Post Comm: CP 262 (How great Thou art) O Lord my God
Evensong 15.30 - Installation of Canons
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 431 (Hereford) O thou who camest from above
Psalms: 133: Behold how good and joyful. Chant – J. C. L. Parkin-Haig
148: O praise the Lord of heaven. Chant – C. V. Stanford
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord – Edward Elgar
Hymn after Sermon: CP 612 (Fulda) We have a gospel to proclaim
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Portsmouth Cathedral (26 & 27 October)
Saturday 26 October
17.00 Evensong
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalm: 104 Praise the Lord, O my soul
Chants by Zacharia Buck, William Longhurst
Canticles: Service in C - Charles Stanford
Anthem: Tota pulchra es Maria - Anton Bruckner
Hymn: NEH 186
Sunday 27 October
10.30 Eucharist
Setting: Missa Simplicitate - Jean Langlais
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Giovanni Croce
Hymns: order of service
18.00 Evensong
Responses: Richard Ayleward
Psalms: 124, 125, 126 Chants by George Garrett,
John Pratt, John Goss
Canticles: Service in B minor - T Tertius Noble
Anthem: Blessed be the god and father - S S Wesley
Hymns: NEH 404, 77, 436
Organist: Jack Spencer
Truro Cathedral (6 to 11 August)
Tuesday 6 August 17.30 Eucharist for the Transfiguration
Introit: Winchester Antiphon - William Prendergast
Settings: Gloria: Missa de Angelis accompanied plainsong
Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Motet: Quicumque Christum quaeritis - Tomás Luis de Victoria
Hymns: NEH 178 (Carlisle) ‘Tis good Lord to be here!, 373 (Coe Fen) How shall I sing,
389 (Nun danket all) Jesus, these eyes
Wednesday 7 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalms: 11 In the Lord put I my trust Chant by Stonex
12 Help me, Lord, for there is not one godly man left Chant by Smart
13 How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? Chant by Turle
Canticles: Magnificat Quarti toni - David Bevan & Nunc dimittis a Notre-Dame - Julian Parkin-Haig
Anthem: Let thy hand be strengthened -Christopher Dearnley
Hymn: NEH 461 (Cross of Jesus) There’s a wideness
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Thursday 8 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm: 18 I will love thee, O Lord, my strength Chants by Goss, Talbot, Pie, Stainer
Canticles: Setting in D -Herbert Brewer
Anthem: Quaesumus omnipotens -Christopher Tye
Hymn: NEH 424 (Cornwall) O love divine
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Friday 9 August 17.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon -William Prendergast
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm: 22 My God, my God, look upon Chants by Camidge
Canticles: St Paul’s Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O Lord support us - David Briggs
Hymn: (St Hugh) Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Final responses: Richard Lloyd
Sunday 11 August 10.00 Eucharist
Introit: Winchester Antiphon - William Prendergast
Settings: Gloria: Missa de Angelis accompanied plainsong
Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis - Palestrina
Resp Psalm 33: 13-22 Chant by Christopher Tambling
Motet: O sacrum convivium - Franscisco Guerrero
Hymns: NEH 365 (London new) God moves in a mysterious way, 295 (Picardy) Let all mortal flesh,
306 (Ach Gott und Herr) Strengthen for service
16.00 Evensong
Introit: Dominus illuminatio mea - David Hill
Responses: Richard Lloyd (second set)
Psalm 108: O God, my heart is ready, my heart is ready Chants by Randall, Cooper
Canticles: Jesus College Cambridge Service -William Mathias
Anthem: Te Deum (Collegium Regale) - Herbert Howells
Hymns: NEH 357 (Sussex) Father, hear the prayer we offer,
468 (Marching) Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Organist: Jack Spencer
Blackburn Cathedral (25 & 26 May)
Saturday 25 May15.30 Evensong: The Venerable Bede, Monk, Scholar, Historian (735)
Introit: Winchester Antiphon for Saints: The Lord gave the word – William Prendergast
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 223 (tune 128ii Gonfalon Royal) O Jesu, saviour of mankind
Psalm 84: O how amiable are thy dwellings. Chant – Edward Bairstow
Canticles: Service in Bb – Charles Stanford
Anthem: Save us, O Lord – Edward Bairstow
Hymn after prayers: NEH 225 (tune ii San Rocco) Give me the wings of faith to rise
Sunday 26 May10.30 Eucharist The Sixth Sunday After Easter
Procession: NEH 368 (Cwm Rhondda) Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
Setting: Missa in Simplicitate – Jean Langlais
Gradual: Psalm 67: God be merciful unto us, and bless us. Chant: Luard Selby
Gradual Hymn: NEH 431 (Hereford) O thou who camest from above
Offertory: NEH 439 ii (Chorus Angelorum) Praise to the holiest in the height
Motets: Sacerdotes Domini & Oculi omnium – William Byrd
Post Comm: NEH 306 (Ach Gott Und Herr) Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
16.00 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon: O praise the Lord – Alwyn Surplice
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Office Hymn: NEH 366 (Heathlands) God of mercy, God of grace
Psalms: 126: When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion. Chant - Battishill
127: Except the Lord build the house. Chant - Battishill
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: O what their joy - William Harris
Hymn after prayers: NEH 206 (Harewood) Christ is our cornerstone
Organist: Sean Montgomery
Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford (Saturday 30 March)
18.00 Evensong
Introit: In manus tuas (1st setting) - John Sheppard (Informator Choristarum 1541-2; 1544-8)
Responses: Bernard Rose (Informator Choristarum 1957-81)
Psalms 147, 148, 149, 150 - Chants by Charles Stanford and Percy Whitlock
Canticles: St Paul’s Service - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Hear my prayer - Felix Mendelssohn
Hymn: NEH 253 - The duteous day now closeth (Innsbruck)
Organist: Jeremy Rouse
Bristol Cathedral (3 & 4 November)
Saturday 3 November 15.30 - Dignity Service: The Dignity Service is an annual event at the cathedral for families and friends to remember loved ones who have died in the previous twelve months. We are honoured to be asked to provide the music for this service.
Anthems: And I saw a New Heaven - Edgar Bainton, The Lord is my Shepherd - Howard Goodall, Gloria (1st movement) - Antonio Vivaldi
Sunday 4 November
10.00 Eucharist
Setting: Collegium Regale - Herbert Howells
Motet: O Sacrum Convivium - Thomas Tallis
15.30 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm: 145
Canticles: Wells Service - Malcolm Archer
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Johannes Brahms
Organist: Jeremy Meager
St Albans Abbey (25 & 26 August)
Saturday 25 August
16.00 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm 115 Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us.Chant by S S Wesley
Canticles: Setting in A -Charles Stanford
Anthem: Te lucis ante terminum - Henry Balfour Gardiner
Hymn 563
Sunday 26 August
11.15 Eucharist
Kyrie: Missa de Angelis plainsong
Setting: Service in F - Harold Darke
Gospel Acc: 6 - Welcome with meekness…
Gradual Psalm: 34: 15-20 The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous (BCP plainsong)
Motet: Sicut cervus - Giovanni Palestrina
Hymns 301, 311
18.30 Evensong
Responses: Humphrey Clucas
Psalm 116: 1-10 I am well pleased. Chant by A Hollins
Canticles: Setting in E - Herbert Murrill
Anthem: A Hymn for St Cecilia - Herbert Howells
Hymns: 379, 368
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Southwark Cathedral (21 April)
16.00 Evensong
Responses: Thomas Ebdon
Psalm: 27 Chant by G Cooper
Canticles: Setting in D - Herbert Brewer
Anthem: Behold, O God our defender – Herbert Howells
Hymn: All my hope on God is founded (Michael) descant by John Rutter
Organist: Marilyn Harper
Gloucester Cathedral (10 & 11 February)
Saturday 10 February
16.30 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon ‘O praise the Lord of heaven’ - Alwyn Surplice
Responses: John Reading
Psalm 24 - The earth is the Lord’s, and all that therein is Chant: H G Ley
Canticles: Setting in C - Charles Villiers Stanford
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith - Ernest Bullock
Hymn: 520 May the grace of Christ our Saviour Waltham (Albert)
Final Festal Responses: Edward Woodall Naylor
Sunday 11 February
10.15 Eucharist
Setting: Setting in F - Herbert Sumsion
Anthem: O taste and see - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hymns: 2 Christ, whose glory fills the skies Ratisbon
248 'Tis good, Lord, to be here Carlisle
466How shall I sing that majesty Coe Fen
293(t. 322) Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest Anima Christi
627 Ye servants of God Laudate Dominum (Gauntlett)
15.00 Evensong
Introit: Winchester Antiphon ‘O praise the Lord of heaven’ - Alwyn Surplice
Responses: John Reading
Psalm99 - The Lord is king, be the people never so impatient. Chant: T A Walmisley
Canticles: Collegium Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense - Herbert Howells
Anthem: Sing we merrily - Sidney Campbell
Hymn 555 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven Praise my soul
Final Festal Responses: Edward Woodall Naylor
Organist: Jeremy Meager
Julian Parkin-Haig appointed Director
Tewkesbury Abbey
8 & 9 August
Week's Residence in Worcester Cathedral
Week's Residence in St Edmundsbury Cathedral
Week's Residence in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
Reformed in 2008 as the Alleyn Singers
Final Service as Alleyn Chorale, Southwark Cathedral
Week's Residence at Salisbury Cathedral
Week's Residence in Peterborough Cathedral
Week's residence at Christchurch Cathedral
Week's Residence in Lincoln Cathedral
Week's Residence - Wells Cathedral
Week's Residence at Bristol Cathedral
Week's Residence at Exeter Cathedral
Residential Trip to Malvern as Alleyn Chorale
Residential Trip to Worcester as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Norwich as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Wells as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Salisbury as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Durham as Alleyn Chorale
Residential trip to Lichfield as Alleyn Chorale
Residential Trip to Winchester as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Norwich as Alleyn Chorale
Week's Residence in Hereford Cathedral
Formed in 1972 as the Alleyn Chorale